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Your child is in great care at

Kinderhuis Montessori

Meet the Kinderhuis Montessori Staff:


Bill Hill Supervisor, Infant & Toddler Director

 After completing his B. Sc. at the University of Western Ontario, Bill joined the Toronto Police Service.  Within a few years with the police service, Bill's strengths were recognized and it was determined they were best used in an educational capacity. Upon leaving the Training Unit of the Police Department, Bill spent many years with ING Direct as a Business Analyst.  After leaving ING, Bill dedicated his time to developing the school and working in all capacities from marketing, construction to classroom instruction. Throughout Bill's professional life, he has always veered toward an educational role which may have stemmed from the fact that both of Bill's parents were teachers in the Public Board of Education. This focus on education has proven beneficial to Kinderhuis Montessori as he understands and supports the demands of the teaching profession.  After a number of years, Bill decided to formally train as a Montessori Director specializing in the Infant & Toddler age group.  Upon completion of the Infant & Toddler course, the owner of the training school asked if Bill was interested in becoming a Master Trainer for adults interested in becoming a Montessori Infant/Toddler Director/Directress.  In addition to Bill becoming a Master Trainer, Kinderhuis Montessori's Infant & Toddler Rooms have been selected as a host school for the Infant & Toddler course.  Bill is proud to be an advocate for Montessori for the Infant & Toddler age group.



Miss Cindy Casa Directress

 Miss Cindy attended Carleton University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a Minor in Languages.  Cindy was exposed to a Montessori program at a young age when she was amazed at a Casa student's breadth of knowledge and excitement for learning.  After graduating from Carlton and working in a corporate job, Cindy realized that she truly wanted to pursue a Montessori education to work with children.  After researching various training academies, Cindy decided to enroll in the AMS Casa certification program offered through the Canadian Montessori Academy in Ottawa. During AMS course, Cindy was an intern at a highly respected and well-known CCMA school where she recognized the Casa age students were her passion.  After graduation, Cindy worked for another CCMA school in Mississauga.  After working for two CCMA schools, Cindy recognized the importance of the CCMA designation for a school.  Even before Kinderhuis received its CCMS accreditation, Kinderhuis operated as a CCMA school in almost all aspects which was an excellent start for our accreditation which was received in November of 2019.  Cindy's daily focus is the Casa classroom where she is the Head Directresss however all students and their academic progress is overseen by Cindy.  Her knowledge of Montessori methodology and her Casa classroom are two of the leading reasons why Kinderhuis Montessori's Casa room is often sought-out by various Montessori training schools looking for an excellent training opportunity for their interns to learn how to become a strong Montessori directress.    

Please visit us at

785 Pacific Road, Unit 19, Oakville, ON L6L 6M3

Call us: 905.827.8878

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Kinderhuis Montessori promotes the standards of excellence in Montessori education and is a CCMA accreditated school. Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2021.

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